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Zabadoo! Plus

Título: Zabadoo! Plus

Autor: Wendy Superfine, J.A. Holderness

Sinopse: Product Description

A topic-based four-level primary course with an emphasis on developing reading and writing skills.

About the Author

Wendy Superfine was head of a Primary EFL department at an international school in The Netherlands for 12 years and has been involved in primary education for 25 years. Since returning to the UK she has worked as a Teacher Trainer on courses in the UK and abroad. Jackie Holderness has been involved in primary education for over 20 years. She has lived overseas for much of her life and has taught French and English as a foreign language. She currently works as a primary teacher trainer in Oxford, and regularly provides in-service training for teachers from all over the world.

Editora: Oxford University Press


Ano: 2002


Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0194383725

ISBN13: 9780194383721

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