Título: Women's Mental Health Issues Across The Criminal Justice System
Autor: Rosemary L. Gido, Lanette P. Dalley
Sinopse: The first of its kind, Womens Mental Health Issues Across the Criminal Justice System is dedicated to giving the most invisible offenders in todays criminal justice systemmentally ill adolescent girls and womena face and a voice. The book is organized around the subsystems of the U.S. criminal justice system. Each section highlights mental health research and policy issues and focuses on the impediments to treatment and service delivery as well as the model programs, assessments, and intervention processes that offer hope within and across the system.
Editora: Prentice Hall
Páginas: 264
Ano: 2008
Edição: 1
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 0132435357
ISBN13: 9780132435352
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