Título: Vencendo com as Pessoas
Autor: John C. Maxwell
Sinopse: Many people forget that good relationships are the basis of great achievements. Indeed, our personal relationships are the raw material we need to achieve success and personal fulfillment. Fortunately, there are ways for someone to become good or excellent, the development and maintenance of good personal relationships. This book presents precisely the necessary tools to improve the relationships already established, and to cultivate others, keeping them strong and active. Here, John Maxwell shows the 25 personal principles essential to achieve a lasting success. For Maxwell, the following equation is true: your skills + your relationships = success.
Editora: Ediouro Publishing
Linguagem: pt-br
ISBN: 8560303057
ISBN13: 9788560303052
Informações do Autor
Nome: John C. Maxwell
Descrição: Autor norte-americano
Biografia: John Calvin Maxwell é um autor norte-americano cristão evangélico, conferencista e pastor que escreveu mais de 60 livros, centrado principalmente em liderança, incluindo "As 21 irrefutáveis leis da liderança" e "As 21 indispensáveis qualidades de um lider".