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Um Homem um Rabino

Título: Um Homem um Rabino

Autor: Henry Sobel

Sinopse: Product Description

Along over thirty years of work in Congregacao Israelita Paulista, Henry Sobel became the best known face of the Brazilian Jewish community. His influence, however, extended to well beyond the limits of the rabbi; acting as the defender of human rights, the commitment to inter-religious dialogue and the liberal political positions put in constant evidence in the recent history of the country. In this book, Sobel gathers his entire history, his childhood in New York, the tensions that rose during the military dictatorship in Brazil, the dilemmas of youth, recent events that led him to the news programs and that eventually precipitate his disconnection from the CIP - a descent into hell written with rare courage and dignity. In his memoirs, Henry Sobel discusses various aspects of the Jewish doctrine, shows decisive episodes that happened to him or that he witnessed, exposes his contradictions, doubts and fears. Shows himself to the reader the way he is - a religious leader of extraordinary charisma, a man of faith committed to the collisions of their time, a man with greatness to recognize his mistakes and successes.

About the Author

Along four decades of work in Congregacao Israelita Paulista, Henry Sobel became the best known face of the Brazilian Jewish community. His influence, however, extended to well beyond the limits of the rabbi; acting as the defender of human rights, the commitment to inter-religious dialogue and the liberal political positions put in constant evidence in the recent history of the country.

Editora: Ediouro Publishing

Páginas: 320

Ano: 2008


Linguagem: pt-br

ISBN: 8500022361

ISBN13: 9788500022364

    Informações do Autor

    Nome: Henry Sobel

    Descrição: Rabino

    Henry Sobel

    Biografia: Henry Isaac Sobel foi um rabino luso-americano radicado no Brasil. Por mais de quarenta anos foi presidente do Rabinato da Congregação Israelita Paulista, até outubro de 2007, quando afastou-se formalmente.

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