Título: Training Your Beagle (Training Your Dog Series)
Autor: Kristine Kraeuter
Sinopse: Books in Barron's Training Your Dog Series instruct owners, giving them breed-specific advice on virtually every aspect of canine training. This newly revised title opens with a short history of the Beagle and a general description of this popular animal's personality and traits. Subsequent chapters discuss acquiring a Beagle, bonding with a newly acquired dog, purchasing collars and leashes, communicating with a Beagle and teaching basic commands, humane methods for correcting a dog's bad habits, and much more. Appealing color photos and illustrations on most pages include many that demonstrate training methods.
Editora: Sourcebooks Trade
Páginas: 184
Ano: 2011-04-01
Edição: 2
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 0764145924
ISBN13: 9780764145926
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