Título: The Free Spirit - God in Us
Autor: Gabriele / Gabriele Publishing House
Sinopse: The Free Spirit - God in Us
There is a lot of talk about God and a lot is written - but who knows the truth? The fact is that no person can prove to another that God exists. Nor can any external religion, any church institution, provide the proof that God truly exists.
Experience for yourself: God, the Free Spirit, is in us! In this book, Gabriele gives food for thought, impulses and aids, so that each person can prove for himself that God exists and that He dwells in us. And so, each person can experience God for himself, thus gaining the joy and certainty that God is in each one of us. God is in all life forms. God is present in all things.
This title was published under The Word - The Universal Spirit
Editora: Gabriele Publishing House
Páginas: 69
Ano: 2016-12-08
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 389201793X
ISBN13: 9783892017936
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