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The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 2: Generating All Tuples and Permutations

Título: The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 2: Generating All Tuples and Permutations

Autor: Donald E. Knuth

Sinopse: According to Webster's Dictionary, a fascicle is "one of the division of a bookpublished in parts."This material represents a first look at material from the long-anticipated andmuch-discussed Volume 4 of Donald Knuth's The Art of ComputerProgramming.Knuth's fascicle philosophy is as follows: "The material will first appear in betatestform as fascicles of approximately 128 pages each, issued approximatelytwice per year. These fascicles will represent my best attempt to write acomprehensive account, but computer science has grown to the point where Icannot hope to be an authority on all the material covered in these books.Therefore I'll need feedback from readers in order to prepare the officialvolumes later."

Editora: Addison-Wesley Professional

Páginas: 127

Ano: 2005-02-14

Edição: 1

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0201853930

ISBN13: 9780201853933

    Informações do Autor

    Nome: Donald Knuth

    Descrição: Autor

    Donald Knuth

    Biografia: Donald Ervin Knuth é um cientista computacional de renome e professor emérito da Universidade de Stanford. É o autor do livro The Art of Computer Programming, uma das principais referências da ciência da computação.

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