Título: Temas de Empresa: Manual para la preparacion del Certificado Superior del Espanol de los Negocios de la Camara de Comercio de Madrid
Autor: María José Pareja López
Sinopse: The series Spanish for Specific Purposes is a unique learning tool for students preparing to use Spanish in their professional lives. These advanced books are perfect for any healthcare, tourism, or law professional with an upper-intermediate knowledge of Spanish, and can help bridge the gap to fluency in a particular field. Student books include real-life examples and simulation exercises, and answer keys contain a full set of answers and additional resources for classroom use.
Editora: Editorial Edinumen
Páginas: 214
Ano: 2010
Edição: Second Edition
Linguagem: es
ISBN: 8495986698
ISBN13: 9788495986696
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