Título: Teaching and Researching Autonomy in Language Learning (Applied Linguistics in Action)
Autor: Philip Benson
Sinopse: Appropriate for third year and above students, lecturers and researchers in applied linguistics. Also of interest to language teachers and researchers involved in autonomous learning, self-access, and learner training, and the TESOL market in general. This book is the first to offer a comprehensive account of autonomy in language learning and the educational practices associated with the concept. It details the history and sources of the concept of autonomy, discusses areas of debate concerning its definition and reviews research on theoretical and practical applications.
Editora: Pearson Education ESL
Páginas: 272
Ano: 2001-03-19
Edição: 1
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 0582368162
ISBN13: 9780582368163
Informações do Autor
Nome: Richard Benson
Descrição: Guitarrista britânico