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Solid Modeling with I-DEAS

Título: Solid Modeling with I-DEAS

Autor: Shelby A. Sorby, Kim J. Manner

Sinopse: Designed for interest in engineering drawing, engineering graphics, and computer-aided drawing (cad). Based on a 3-d approach to design, this piece emphasizes how modeling is inherently different from 2-d cad. Beginning with a brief introduction to the design process in the context of concurrent engineering, this book proceeds to cover topics such as the i-deas work environment, file management, sketching, revolution, applying and modeling 3-d constraints, features and feature-based modeling, lofting, sweeping, and extracting data from 3-d models. Features/benefits each chapter includes a set of "guided tours" that walk users through features of i-deas. Encourages the reader "to learn by doing." chapters conclude with an ample number of drawing problems. Help reinforce topics from the chapter. Solid modeling with i-deas can be used on its own, or as a supplementary text to 3-d visualization for engineering graphics, or any other prentice hall graphics book.

Editora: Prentice Hall

Páginas: 234

Ano: 1999-03-01

Edição: 1

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 013490186X

ISBN13: 9780134901862

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