Título: Social and economic security in India
Autor: Kim Sanabria
Sinopse: The Academic Encounters series uses a sustained content approach to teach skills necessary for taking academic courses in English. There are two books for each content area. Academic Listening Encounters: Life in Society engages students through interviews and academic lectures on stimulating topics from the field of sociology. Topics include culture shock, gender roles, and ways of solving crime. Students practice crucial listening skills, such as listening for main ideas and details and listening for signal words. They also practice note-taking skills, discuss content, conduct interviews, and make presentations. A Student Audio CD with the lecture portion of the audio program is included. Topics correspond with those in Academic Encounters: American Studies. The books may be used independently or together.
Editora: Distributed by Manohar Publishers
Páginas: 523
Ano: 2001-01-01
Edição: Pap/Com
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 0521754836
ISBN13: 9780521754835
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