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Restauração Digital: Do Início Ao Fim

Título: Restauração Digital: Do Início Ao Fim

Autor: Ctein

Sinopse: Digital Restoration: Start to Finish 2nd edition guides you step-by-step through the entire process of restoring old photographs and repairing new ones using Adobe Photoshop, Picture Window, and now Elements. Nothing is left out, from choosing the right hardware and software and getting the photographs into the computer, to getting the finished photo out of the computer and preserving it for posterity. 

Scan faded and damaged prints or films
Improve snapshots with Shadow/Highlight adjustment
Correct uneven exposure
Fix color and skin tones quickly with Curves, plug-ins, and Hue/Saturation adjustment layers
Correct uneven exposure and do dodging and burning-in with adjustment layers
Hand-tint your photographs easily
Correct skin tones with airbrush layers
Clean up dust and scratches speedily and effectively
Repair small and large cracks with masks and filters
Eliminate tarnish and silvered-out spots from a photograph in just a few steps
Minimize unwanted print surface textures
Erase mildew spots
Eliminate dots from newspaper photographs
Increase sharpness and fine detailand
Maximize print quality

Editora: Focal Press

Páginas: 448

Ano: 2011-10-06

Edição: 1

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 8535246797

ISBN13: 9788535246797

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