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Research Techniques for the Health Sciences

Título: Research Techniques for the Health Sciences

Autor: James J. Neutens, Laurna Rubinson

Sinopse: Key Benefit: Research Techniques for the Health Sciences focuses on pragmatic aspects of health science research. Underlying concepts and theory are explained and illustrated through a common-sense approach utilizing case studies. All of the book's case studies are health-oriented in school, community, and hospital settings involving students, teachers, physicians, nurses, and health science researchers. This edition features an emphasis on the currency in the research methods processes, and includes new Lecture Outlines in PowerPoint slides. Key Topics: What is Research?, Developing the Research Proposal, Critical Review of the Literature and Information Resources,Research in an Ethical Context, Conducting Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research, Data Collection through Surveys and Self-Reports,

Editora: Pearson

Páginas: 352

Ano: 2009-03-12

Edição: 4

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0321596412

ISBN13: 9780321596413

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