Título: Relaxando Com A Fé Ecumênica. 365 Exercícios
Autor: Haroldo J. Rahm
Sinopse: This book deals with the essence of the spiritual life: “not to put obstacles to divine action and to live detached”. The author also writes about the harnessing of human potentialities, placing them at the service of the Creator. Based on this, the main idea is to show how to meditate, contemplate, love the living God and serve our brothers. Man cannot reach God alone with the intellect. The correct use of the senses, the intuition and the heart help us in this task. This book was written for all people regardless of their creed, their beliefs and their traditions. By daily committing to the page of each day, you will have more conscious contact with God, the Divine Majesty and as a result good health and much happiness.
Editora: Loyola
Linguagem: pt-br
ISBN: 8515039257
ISBN13: 9788515039258
Informações do Autor
Nome: Haroldo Rahm
Biografia: Harold Joseph Rahm, SJ, mais conhecido no Brasil como Padre Haroldo, foi um padre católico nascido no estado norte-americano do Texas, naturalizado brasileiro em 1986 e ordenado jesuíta no dia 14 de junho de 1950.