Título: Recognize and Heal Yourself Through the Power of the Spirit (Softbound)
Autor: Gabriele / Gabriele Publishing House
Sinopse: Recognize and Heal Yourself through the Power of the Spirit
The human being is an energy field of the Spirit. A weakening of this energy field through negative thinking and living leads to illness. The right way of living and positive thinking, on the other hand, allows us to be healthy and remain spiritually alert.
Find the way to your soul, and become acquainted with your consciousness centers, which are the switching points of the spiritual-divine life-forces, the link between soul and body, and experience the self-healing forces …
Excerpt: The human being is a vibrating body of energy. Thousands of rays hit this body every minute, which may either keep it healthy or harm it. It all depends on the person‘s behavior in his everyday life, and especially, on how he programs himself in the morning, shortly after awakening. … As soon as he awakens and his senses become active, . . .
Editora: Gabriele Publishing House
Páginas: 445
Ano: 2023
Edição: 1
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 3964464260
ISBN13: 9783964464262
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