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Proven Portals: Best Practices for Planning, Designing, and Developing Enterprise Portals: Best Practices for Planning, Designing, and Developing Enterprise Portals

Título: Proven Portals: Best Practices for Planning, Designing, and Developing Enterprise Portals: Best Practices for Planning, Designing, and Developing Enterprise Portals

Autor: Dan Sullivan

Sinopse: Portals are the cornerstone to success in making informed business decisions and in the move to the Internet economy. They unify access to all the business content your employees, trading partners and customers need to do their Web data, workgroup information, business intelligence, front- and back-office applications, expertise and even data in legacy systems. Portals improve ROI through improved collaboration and communication, smarter decision-making, increased productivity, and easier access to business information, applications and expertise. In summary a portal brings together different applications, content and services in the form of one user interface, a Web page.

Editora: AddisonWesley Professional

Páginas: 224

Ano: 2003-09-10

Edição: First Edition

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0321125207

ISBN13: 9780321125200

Informações do Autor

Nome: Dan Sullivan

Descrição: Senador dos Estados Unidos

Dan Sullivan

Biografia: Daniel Scott Sullivan é um político norte-americano filiado ao Partido Republicano. É senador dos Estados Unidos pelo estado do Alaska desde 6 de janeiro de 2015. Natural de Fairview Park, Ohio, formou-se pelas universidades de Harvard e Georgetown. Foi estagiário do Tribunal de Apelações do Distrito de Colúmbia.

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