Título: Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++
Autor: Bjarne Stroustrup
Sinopse: The book is an introduction to programming in general, including object-oriented programming and generic programming. It is also a solid introduction to the C++ programming language, one of the most widely used languages for real-world software. The book presents modern C++ programming techniques from the start, introducing the C++ standard library to simplify programming tasks.
The book is primarily designed for people who have never programmed before, and it has been tested with more than 1,000 first-year university students. However, practitioners and advanced students will gain new insight and guidance by seeing how a recognized master approaches the elements of his art.
Editora: Addison-Wesley Professional
Páginas: 1236
Ano: 2008
Edição: 1
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 0321543726
ISBN13: 9780321543721
Informações do Autor
Nome: Bjarne Stroustrup
Descrição: Cientista de computação dinamarquês
Biografia: Bjarne Stroustrup é um cientista da computação dinamarquês e professor catedrático da Universidade do Texas A&M. É conhecido como o pai da linguagem de programação C++.