Título: Princípios de Neurociências
Autor: Eric R. Kandel
Sinopse: 5 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "This is a simply wonderful book that makes accessible in one place all the details of how the neuron and brain work. The writing is clear. The drawings are elegant and educational. The book is a feast for both the eye and mind. The richness, the beauty, and the complexity of neuroscience is all captured in this superb book."--"Doody's Review Service" Now in resplendent color, the new edition continues to define the latest in the scientific understanding of the brain, the nervous system, and human behavior. Each chapter is thoroughly revised and includes the impact of molecular biology in the mechanisms underlying developmental processes and in the pathogenesis of disease. Important features to this edition include a new chapter - Genes and Behavior; a complete updating of development of the nervous system; the genetic basis of neurological and psychiatric disease; cognitive neuroscience of perception, planning, action, motivation and memory; ion channel mechanisms; and much more.
Editora: Mc Graw Hill
Páginas: 1544
Ano: 2021
Edição: Medicina e Saude
Linguagem: pt-br
ISBN: 8580554055
ISBN13: 9788580554052
Informações do Autor
Nome: Eric Kandel
Descrição: Neurocientista austríaco
Biografia: Eric Richard Kandel é um neurocientista austríaco, naturalizado estadunidense. Foi agraciado, juntamente com o sueco Arvid Carlsson e com o estadunidense Paul Greengard, com o Nobel de Fisiologia ou Medicina de 2000, por descobertas envolvendo a transmissão de sinais entre células nervosas no cérebro humano.