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Photoshop CS2 For Advertising and Marketing: Secrets from an Entertainment Advertising Insider

Título: Photoshop CS2 For Advertising and Marketing: Secrets from an Entertainment Advertising Insider

Autor: Daniel O. Sorenson

Sinopse: You've dabbled with design in school and on the job, and you feel comfortable with Photoshop and other design tools. You're no graphics expert, but you're no newbie. Now you find yourself with a cool job opportunity in the entertainment industry (or are trying to break in) and you need to prove your design chops, fast! Photoshop CS2 for Advertising and Marketing: Secrets from an Entertainment Advertising Insider isn't your standard Photoshop how-to book. Combining essential Photoshop techniques with professional insights into the workings of major studios as well as advice on how to navigate the minefields designers may encounter there, author and noted designer, art director, and popular UCLA Photoshop instructor Daniel Sorenson teaches you everything you need to know about working as a designer for entertainment advertising and marketing. Using a series of real-world projects-- including a trade ad, an anime illustration, a movie poster, CD cover art, an outdoor ad campaign for a major new sitcom (bus sides, kiosks, billboards, subway posters), and more--this book covers the Photoshop tools, features, and tools you need to hone your graphic skills and easily take on any marketing design project. To get more information on Daniel check out

"From the practical to the aesthetic and from business advice to Photoshop tutorials – Daniel's book is based in extensive real world experience garnered over years of working with the most critical clients under the tightest deadlines. This book offers insights and advice that I’ve never seen shared in print before. I can’t wait to read it from cover to cover."
Katrin Eismann

Editora: Peachpit Pr

Páginas: 211

Ano: 2005


Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0321350286

ISBN13: 9780321350282

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