Título: Perspectivas interculturales en el aprendizaje de idiomas: Enfoques a través del teatro y la etnografía (Cambridge de didactica de lenguas)
Autor: Michael Byram, Michael Fleming
Sinopse: Product Description This book addresses the ways in which language learning is related to learning about other cultures and to acquiring an ability to communicate across cultural frontiers. It argues that language learners need to develop sensitivity to cultural difference and its impact on communication, and to acquire the skills of discovering and interpreting other cultures, other values, beliefs and behaviours which lie beneath the surface of cross-cultural communication. Contributors show how drama can be used to develop cultural awareness and how learners can acquire ethnographic skills to help them investigate and understand socio-cultural aspects of language which play an important role in second language acquisition. The contributors are all respected educationalists from a range of countries and different cultural contexts. Book Description This book discusses the importance of sensitivity to cultural differences for language learners.
Editora: Editorial Edinumen S.L.
Páginas: 304
Ano: 2002-05-13
Linguagem: es
ISBN: 8483230798
ISBN13: 9788483230794
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