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Patient-Focused Assessment: The Art and Science of Clinical Data Gathering Plus MyLab Nursing with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package

Título: Patient-Focused Assessment: The Art and Science of Clinical Data Gathering Plus MyLab Nursing with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package

Autor: Thomas Mansen

Sinopse: Patient-Focused Assessment: The Art and Science of Clinical Data Gathering, First Edition, is an interdisciplinary text that will appeal to students and providers in all health care professions. Since patient assessment is critical to all providers of patient care, the text focuses on the patient, rather than a specific health care discipline. Patient assessment is divided into 4 levels based on the provider’s competency, the quantity of content (discipline-specific knowledge), the complexity of the assessment techniques and procedures, and the condition of the patient. The text focuses on adult patients but also addresses pediatric, geriatric, pregnant, and hospitalized patients. An excellent resource for students in health care, the text is also an invaluable reference for practicing health care providers.

Teaching and Learning Experience

This text presents a systematic, patient-centered approach to patient assessment. It provides: An interdisciplinary approach: The text focuses on the patient rather than a specific health care discipline, making it a valuable resource across all health care professions. Clear structure and organization: Logical organization and consistent chapter structure makes the text accessible, readable, and easy to navigate. Clinical examples and case studies: Realistic examples and scenarios stimulate critical thinking and expose readers to real professional situations. Effective learning resources: Proven pedagogical features help readers get the most out of the text with helpful hints, professional insight, and review tools.

Editora: Pearson

Páginas: 1056

Ano: 2014-07-21

Edição: 1

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0133953122

ISBN13: 9780133953121

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