Título: Os Maias
Autor: Eça Queiroz, Eça de Queiroz
Sinopse: Nominated as the best novel by Eça de Queiroz and one of the greatest works of literature from Portugal of all time. The scenario is the city of Lisbon at the end of the nineteenth century, with its decadent bourgeoisie and a prominent cultural transition. There lives Afonso da Maia, the patriarch, and his grandson Carlos. The work is developed around the history of the Maia family - its tradition, its moral and the facts of the recent past - and the characterization of the Portuguese society of the time. Adultery, dishonor and critical draining involving the characters of the aristocracy. There are also major discussions on arts, culture, politics, in which, as in none of his other works, the ideas of Eça de Queiroz come up.
Editora: Ediouro Publishing
Páginas: 696
Ano: 2000
Linguagem: pt
ISBN: 8500008008
ISBN13: 9788500008009
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