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Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems (4th Edition)

Título: Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems (4th Edition)

Autor: W. Richard Scott

Sinopse: This clear, intellectually engaging introduction reviews the field of organization studies—its past, its present and its likely areas of significant future development. Specifically, it surveys the development of rational, natural and open systems—from earlier to contemporary forms—and provides a framework to allow students to comprehend past and present theories and to understand current controversies. While attending to the contributions of other disciplines to the understanding of organizations, the approach taken is primarily sociological. The arguments are addressed not only to current and future managers, but to anyone who is obliged to live and work in a society dominated by organizations.

Editora: Prentice Hall

Páginas: 416

Ano: 1997-09-11

Edição: Subsequent

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0132663546

ISBN13: 9780132663540

Informações do Autor

Nome: William Richard Scott

Descrição: Sociólogo americano

William Richard Scott

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