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Nomad: Two Worlds

Título: Nomad: Two Worlds

Autor: Russell James, Hugh Jackman

Sinopse: A collaboration of artists, as well as cultures, this project traces a creative journey of several years. In 2008 internationally renowned Australian photographer Russell James was moved by his government's formal apology to the indigenous people of the continent. He set off to connect with his country' s aboriginal heritage and bring about reconciliation across the cultural divide. He was inspired to fuse his own photography with classic aboriginal art. Since then, the project has expanded into a series of international collaborations and partnerships that provide economic benefit to the artists and raise the public's understanding of the world's most threatened cultures and communities.

Editora: Teneues

Páginas: 220

Ano: 2012-07-20

Edição: Illustrated

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 383279591X

ISBN13: 9783832795917

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