Título: Na Sombra e na Luz
Autor: Zilda Gama
Sinopse: "An enchanting book from beginning to end, it bathes the reader’s soul with comforting light, for it shows the potential for moral regeneration, which occurs by means of the spirit’s many reincarnations. In this story about three individuals separated by hatred and dominated by ungoverned passions, the spirit author analyzes the victories and defeats of each character to show that Divine Justice makes possible the learning experience that leads the soul from the darkness of error to the light of perfection. This work marks the beginning of Zilda Gama’s psychographic production and its preface contains interesting information on the medium."
Editora: FEB
Páginas: 392
Ano: 2007
Linguagem: pt-br
ISBN: 8573285400
ISBN13: 9788573285406
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