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Malakhov (Ullmann)

Título: Malakhov (Ullmann)

Autor: Dieter Blum

Sinopse: Vladimir Malakhov―this widely acclaimed winner of numerous prizes and "dancer of the century" delights his public through the rare combination of technical brilliance and lyrical eloquence. His supple, androgynous body combines "power and purity, flash and elegance, melodrama and eye-bobbling academic precision" (New York Times)―when he leaps, gravity seems suspended. Yet he remains driven to achieve great purity in his dance. Dieter Blum has succeeded in capturing the movement of this extraordinary artist in photographs that reflect his purity and simultaneously provide a deep insight into the personality of the ensemble.

Editora: H.F.Ullmann Publishing Gmbh

Páginas: 264

Ano: 2014-11-15


Linguagem: en

ISBN: 3833154179

ISBN13: 9783833154171

    Informações do Autor

    Nome: Dieter Blum

    Descrição: Artista visual

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