Título: Macmillan Coursebook Inspired 2 Teacher's Book Pack (American Ed)
Autor: Judy Garton-Sprenger
Sinopse: Inspired is an exciting four-level course written specially for teens. This unique series evolves with students, and reflects their changing needs and interests. Cross-curricular topics and cultural contents inspire students to develop critical thinking and express their own opinions, whilst developing the key skills. There is a structured approach to skills with fully integrated reading, writing, listening and speaking development along with an emphasis on learner independence, study skills and self assessment.There is fantastic, easy-to-use Interactive Whiteboard softwar for each level, and the Teacher's Book includes a photocopiable resource pack and a test CD-ROM.
Editora: Macmillan Education
Ano: 2012
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 0230415156
ISBN13: 9780230415157
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