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Lone Star Politics, plus NEW MyPolisciLab with eText -- Access Card Package (2nd Edition)

Título: Lone Star Politics, plus NEW MyPolisciLab with eText -- Access Card Package (2nd Edition)

Autor: Paul Benson, David Clinkscale, Anthony Giardino

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Learn how Texas politics affects public policy.

Lone Star Politics emphasizes public policy and the decisions of political actors in its approach to studying contemporary Texas politics. Using the best scholarship, current examples, and historical context, the authors examine how government and politics respond and adapt to the changes in the Texas political landscape.

Fully revised to meet the GOVT2305/2306 curriculum changes, Lone Star Politics, 2/e contains 14 chapters–a full semester’s worth of Texas Government content. The second edition features the same pedagogical features students currently enjoy in American Government textbooks, extending their learning experience from the 2305 course seamlessly into 2306.

MyPoliSciLab is an integral part of the Goldstein program. Key learning applications include Texas Tribune Videos, Texas Explorer activities and state specific Simulations. MyPoliSciLab for Lone Star Politics makes reading the textbook a greater opportunity for analyzing current events, thinking critically about politics, and participating in politics.

A better teaching and learning experience

This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience–for you and your students. Here’s how:
Personalize Learning– MyPoliSciLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program. It helps students prepare for class and instructors gauge individual and class performance.

Explore Concepts and Current Events–Examines the past, present, and future of Texas politics.

Improve Critical Thinking– Pedagogy throughout the text supports active learning of key themes.

Engage Students– A new design simplifies the presentation of content to facilitate print and digital reading experiences.

Emphasize Learning Outcomes–In MyPoliSciLab, study plans based on book-specific learning objectives give students follow-up reading, video, and multimedia activities for further practice.

Support Instructors–A full set of supplements, including MyPoliSciLab, provides instructors with all the resources and support they need.

0205971229 / 9780205971220 Lone Star Politics Plus New MyPoliSciLab with eText--Access Card Package, 2/e

Package consists of:
0205949975 / 9780205949977 NEW MyPoliSciLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card

0205970818 / 9780205970810 Lone Star Politics

Editora: Pearson

Páginas: 464

Ano: 2013-08-31

Edição: 2

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0205971229

ISBN13: 9780205971220

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