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Literacy Strategies for Teacher Candidates

Título: Literacy Strategies for Teacher Candidates

Autor: Laurie Elish-Piper, Susan K L'Allier

Sinopse: Literacy Strategies for Teacher Candidates is packed with a variety of concepts, strategies, and application ideas teacher candidates can use to gain a better understanding of teaching and learning, and ultimately improve the effectiveness of their teaching. The topics covered include the most common content taught in literacy education methods courses. This book serves as a handy supplement that teacher candidates can use to more fully understand the practical applications of the concepts and methods presented and then take the book into their own classrooms as a hands-on guide for implementing the ideas with their own students.

Editora: Pearson

Páginas: 176

Ano: 2012-03-11

Edição: 1

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0137155891

ISBN13: 9780137155897

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