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Leadership Practices for Special and General Educators

Título: Leadership Practices for Special and General Educators

Autor: Gloria Campbell-Whatley, James Lyons

Sinopse: KEY BENEFIT: Gives pre- and in-service general and special educators a highly useful professional development tool for understanding and dealing effectively with the unique issues and challenges they face in their daily work with special education students and their families. Includes viable options for choosing and implementing effective practices, resolving problems, and developing policies that work.

KEY TOPICS: Response to Intervention, Universal Design, Inclusion, relevant statutes and regulations. Covers legal, practical, and logistical issues, along with issues relating to sensitivity, fairness, and empathy and parental perceptions.

General and special education administrators and leaders
Courses in Administration and Supervision in Special Education, School Leadership and Management, and The Principalship

Editora: Pearson

Páginas: 288

Ano: 2012-08-15

Edição: 1

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0132996324

ISBN13: 9780132996327

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