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Japan: Japanese Cuisine for Beginners

Título: Japan: Japanese Cuisine for Beginners

Autor: Laure KiÉ

Sinopse: In the past decades, Japanese food has become part of the global culinary scene: sushi, maki, miso soup, teriyaki and tofu have found their way to our plates and palates. Japanese cooking not only harmoniously combines flavors and aesthetics, it is also praised for its nutritional and health benefits. This book introduces readers to the essence of Japanese cuisine: what are the basic ingredients and utensils? Which basic recipes need one know to cook Japanese style? Why is rice so important that the word "gohan" (rice) also means "meal"? More than one hundred recipes of traditional yet simple Japanese dishes are explained step-by-step with tips and variants. Beautiful photographs of soups, noodles, sushi, meat, fish, seafood, vegetables and deserts (chocolate tofu mousse, matcha tart with almonds and lemon, to name but a few) take you on a tour of Japanese culinary culture.

Editora: H.F.Ullmann Publishing Gmbh

Páginas: 144

Ano: 2015-04-15


Linguagem: en

ISBN: 3848007541

ISBN13: 9783848007547

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