Título: It Can't Be True
Autor: DK
Sinopse: Get ready to believe the unbelievable! 'It Can't be True!' lets you in on life's little secrets that seem unbelievable but are totally true. Did you know that the moon is the same size as Australia? Or that a blue whale's heart is as large as a car? Explore a world of subjects, from the tiniest microchips to the massive, swirling planet Jupiter, with stunning photographs and images to help you visualise and understand each comparison.
Editora: DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)
Páginas: 192
Ano: 2013
Edição: UK ed.
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 1409334511
ISBN13: 9781409334514
Informações do Autor
Nome: D.K. Metcalf
Descrição: Jogador de futebol americano