Título: Introduction to Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry: Principles and Practices for the Real World, An
Autor: Kimberly Tranter, Trevor Stuart-Hill, Juston Parker
Sinopse: Addressing an emerging course in hospitality management, this one-of-a-kind book outlines the basic elements of the revenue management process and the keys to effective revenue management planning. Using the Rev MAP model as a guiding framework, it shows how to develop, implement, and evaluate a strategic management process. Professional profiles highlight key issues and career paths, while application chapters relate material to each segment of the hospitality industry. A final chapter looks at trends and forecasts the future evolution of this important new field. MARKET: Revenue management professionals in the hospitality industry.
Editora: Pearson
Páginas: 360
Ano: 2008-01-14
Edição: 1
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 0131885898
ISBN13: 9780131885899
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