Título: From the System of National Accounts (SNA) to a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) - Based Model
Autor: Susana Santos
Sinopse: From the SNA to a SAM-based Model, through an application to Portugal, systematizes a methodology for using the European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Community of 1995 to construct numerical and algebraic versions of a Social Accounting Matrix that are in complete harmony with this. From both versions, scenarios are defined and analysed, arising from experiments that have been carried out into the (macro-)impacts of government policies regarding income distribution. Close attention is paid to the corresponding response of the different macroeconomic aggregates, balances and indicators. "It is to be hoped that this interesting monograph, representing painstaking and diligent research, will represent another useful stepping stone in the development of practical policy models based on the SAM approach" - from the Foreword by Jeffery Round
Editora: Almedina
Linguagem: pt-br
ISBN: 9724037746
ISBN13: 9789724037745
Informações do Autor
Nome: Susana Santos Silva
Descrição: Artista musical portuguesa
Biografia: Susana Santos Silva é uma artista musical portuguesa de Jazz e de improvisação Livre.