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Focus on Grammar 3: An Integrated Skills Approach, Third Edition

Título: Focus on Grammar 3: An Integrated Skills Approach, Third Edition

Autor: Marjorie Fuchs, Margaret Bonner, Miriam Westheimer

Sinopse: With a fresh new design and a host of updated exercises and activities, the popular Focus on Grammar series is more practical and accessible than ever. Known for its focus on English grammar through contextualized listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities, this lively integrated skills course helps students bridge the gap between comprehending grammatical structures and actually using them.
Centered on thematic instruction, Focus on Grammar combines controlled and communicative practice in a consistent approach that’s a proven success among students at all levels. Each unit progresses through four steps: Grammar in Context, Grammar Presentation, Focused Practice, and Communication Practice, using a unique format that makes the program easy for students to understand – and for teachers to implement.

Each Student Book features: Clear presentations and charts that make grammar easy to learn. Creative activities that stimulate communication. New high-interest readings that are rich in content. From Grammar to Writing sections that build composition skills. Review Tests to confirm progress and improve scores on standardized tests. New Internet activities for individual, pair, or group work.

Editora: Pearson Longman

Páginas: 432

Ano: 2005-11-06

Edição: 3rd

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0131899848

ISBN13: 9780131899841

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