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Flemish and Dutch Baroque Painting (Art Periods & Movements Flexi)

Título: Flemish and Dutch Baroque Painting (Art Periods & Movements Flexi)

Autor: Uta Hasekamp

Sinopse: Even though it was a time of near financial ruin in Flanders, Baroque art flourished during this period thanks to the patronage of an arts-minded aristocracy. Meanwhile, the Dutch had become rich from trade and the desire for art found its way into almost every social class in the Netherlands. The naturalistic traditions shared by the two halves of the Low Countries experienced a renaissance of their own at this time.

Editora: Koenemann

Páginas: 280

Ano: 2019-10-01

Edição: None

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 3741924156

ISBN13: 9783741924156

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