Título: Elements of Music, 2nd Edition (Text only)
Autor: Joseph Straus
Sinopse: The Fundamentals Text That Emphasizes Music Making This music fundamentals textbook is for both aspiring music majors and non-majors. Based on an anthology of works from music literature, it features clear, concise explanations, extensive written exercises, and a variety of suggested in-class activities. It emphasizes process of making music—emphasizing, at every stage, that music is to be heard and made—not merely seen and learned in the abstract. All of the key topics are covered: music notation; rhythm; scales; intervals; triads; basic harmonic progressions. Several supplements are available for this text. An Audio CD ISBN 0131584197 / 9780131584198 is available including performances of key works analyzed in the text. *Music for your course is available through your Pearson Companion Website.
Editora: Pearson
Páginas: 480
Ano: 2007-07-05
Edição: 2nd
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 0131584154
ISBN13: 9780131584150
Informações do Autor
Nome: Joseph Strauss
Descrição: Engenheiro americano
Biografia: Joseph Baermann Strauss foi um engenheiro e designer americano de origem alemã.