Título: Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems
Sinopse: Appropriate for all courses in Decision Support Systems (DSS), computerized decision making tools, and management support systems. Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems 9e provides the only comprehensive, up-to-date guide to today's revolutionary management support system technologies, and showcases how they can be used for better decision-making. The 9th edition focuses on Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics for enterprise decision support in a more streamlined book.
Editora: PEARSON
Páginas: 2000
Ano: 2000
Edição: 9
Linguagem: PORTUGUES
ISBN: 013610729X
ISBN13: 9780136107293
- Encadernação: BROCHURA
- Peso (kg): 0,400
- Altura (cm): 23,00
- Largura (cm): 16,00
- Espessura (cm): 0,10
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