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Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession Plus NEW MyCounselingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (7th Edition) (Merrill Counseling)

Título: Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession Plus NEW MyCounselingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (7th Edition) (Merrill Counseling)

Autor: Samuel T. Gladding

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The most comprehensive guide to the Counseling profession available!

Still the most readable, practical, and comprehensive overview of the roles and responsibilities of the professional counselor on the market, the seventh edition of Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession is updated and improved to meet the emerging needs of the developing counselor. Containing an even stronger emphasis on counseling as a profession and counseling as an identity along with new or expanded sections on history, wellness, trauma, social justice, multiculturalism, rehabilitation, motivational interviewing, bullying, microaggression, international counseling, process addiction, abuse, and ethical and legal issues in counseling, this text is more equipped to help students prepare for professional challenges and a lifetime as an effective counselor than ever before.
New Features Include: More multicultural than ever, this text presents within each chapter the changing demographics of the United States as well as background and strategies for working in a diverse and multicultural climate. New graphic organizers present key concepts with visual cues, making important topics easier to grasp than ever before. New Chapter Learning Objectives as well as suggestions for reading help students study this text more effectively and with more focus. MyCounselingLab connects course content to video- and case-based real world scenarios, and provides: Building Counseling Skills exercises that offer opportunities for students to develop and practice skills critical to their success as professional helpers. Hints and feedback provide scaffolding and reinforce key concepts. Assignments & Activities assess students’ understanding of key concepts and skill development. Multiple-Choice Quizzes help students gauge their understanding of important topics and prepare for success on licensure examinations.
0133155374 / 9780133155372 Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession Plus MyCounselingLab with Pearson eText
Package consists of:
013265797X / 9780132657976 Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession
0133036405 / 9780133036404 NEW MyCounselingLab with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession

Editora: Pearson

Páginas: 600

Ano: 2012-08-11

Edição: 7

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0133155374

ISBN13: 9780133155372

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