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Corporate Financial Management

Título: Corporate Financial Management

Autor: Douglas R. Emery, John D. Finnerty, John D. Stowe

Sinopse: Emery, Finnery, Stowe is the only corporate finance text to bridge the gap between theory and practice with a unique pedogical framework, and the expertise of a researcher, practitioner, and teacher.
Instructors and professors agree that bringing real word examples into the corp fin course is paramount, but doing this in a way that harnesses the theory is tough. E/F/S connectes the theory with practice like no other text, not only due to the fact that each author brings a special expertise to the table, but through the 12 principles that tie the texts concepts together.

Editora: Pearson College Div

Páginas: 846

Ano: 2006

Edição: 3

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0132278723

ISBN13: 9780132278720

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