Título: Conceptual Physics Plus MasteringPhysics with eText -- Access Card Package (11th Edition)
Autor: Paul G. Hewitt
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Since defining this course 30 years ago, Paul Hewitt’s best-selling text continues to be the benchmark book that two-thirds of professors use and by which all others are judged. In Conceptual Physics with MasteringPhysics®, 11/e Paul Hewitt shows how a compelling text and the most advanced media can be integrated to empower professors as they bring physics to life for non-science majors, both in and out of class. For the Eleventh Edition , Hewitt helps students connect physics to their everyday experiences and the world around them, and provides additional help on solving mathematical problems.
Hewitt’s text is famous for engaging students with analogies and imagery from real-world situations that build a strong conceptual understanding of physical principles ranging from classical mechanics to modern physics. With this strong foundation, students are better equipped to understand the equations and formulas of physics, and are motivated to explore the thought-provoking exercises and fun projects in each chapter. The new edition features a fresh new design, content that is more focused on physics applications, updated pedagogical features, and access to MasteringPhysics.
0321776720 / 9780321776723 Conceptual Physics with MasteringPhysics®
Package consists of:
0321784456 / 9780321784452 MasteringPhysics® with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card -- for Conceptual Physics
0321787951 / 9780321787958 Conceptual Physics
Editora: Pearson
Páginas: 816
Ano: 2011-09-28
Edição: 11
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 0321776720
ISBN13: 9780321776723
Informações do Autor
Nome: Paul G. Hewitt
Descrição: Físico norte-americano
Biografia: Paul G. Hewitt é um físico norte-americano, ex-boxeador, prospector de urânio, escritor e cartunista. Hewitt vive em ambos, em Hilo, no Havaí e em São Petersburgo, na Flórida com sua esposa.