Título: Complete Year in Reading and Writing: Grade 4: Daily Lessons - Monthly Units - Yearlong Calendar
Autor: Laurie Pastore, Pam Allyn
Sinopse: At the beginning of every school year, we bet you ask yourself, "What do I want my students to know and do as readers and writers by the end of this year?"This book—just for Grade 4—makes that question easy to answer by taking all the guesswork out of teaching reading and writing. Provides a detailed curricular calendar that's tied to a developmental continuum and the standards so you'll know not only what you should be teaching, but what your students are ready to embrace and what you can reasonably expect of them as successful readers and writers. Additionally, you'll find monthly units of study that integrate reading and writing so both work together to provide maximum support for your students. The units are organized around four essential components, process, genre, strategy, and conventions, so you're reassured you're addressing everything your students need to know about reading and writing. What's more you'll find ready-to-use lessons that offer exemplary teaching and continuous assessment, and a flexible framework that shows you how to frame a year of teaching, a unit, and a lesson—and you can easily adapt all to fit the unique needs and interests of your own students. For use with Grade 4.
Editora: Scholastic Professional
Páginas: 240
Ano: 2008-10-01
Edição: Pap/Dvdr
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 0545046386
ISBN13: 9780545046381
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