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Título: Children's Thinking (4th Edition)

Autor: Robert S. Siegler, Martha Wagner Alibali

Sinopse: This book offers a unified account of the major research findings and theories on the development of children's thinking from infancy to adolescence; and also considers their practical implications. It examines the change processes through which development occurs, as well as the nature of the changes in language, perception, memory, conceptual understanding, and problem-solving that mark cognitive development. Eight central themes presented in the first chapter integrate and unify the presentation. The authors examine Piaget's theory of development, information-processing theories of development, sociocultural theories, perceptual development, language development, memory development, conceptual development, problem solving, social cognition and the development of academic skills. For anyone involved in the thinking processes and development of children.

Editora: Prentice Hall

Páginas: 528

Ano: 2004-06-19

Edição: 4th

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0131113844

ISBN13: 9780131113848

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