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Chemistry + Masteringchemistry: The Central Science

Título: Chemistry + Masteringchemistry: The Central Science

Autor: Theodore L. Brown, H. Eugene, Jr. LeMay, Bruce E. Bursten, Catherine J. Murphy, Patrick M. Woodward

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Trusted, innovative, and calibrated, Chemistry: The Central Sciencehas helped millions of students understand and succeed in general chemistry. Its unrivaled problems, scientific accuracy, and clarity are maintained in this new edition, which is the book’s biggest revision to date. In the Twelfth Edition, every word and piece of art has been studied for effectiveness. Based on feedback from students like you, this revision reflects the unparalleled expertise of its author team; each chapter has been updated and streamlined to remove any content not proven to increase student comprehension. Joined in this edition by new co-author Patrick Woodward, the book’s solid authorship gains a fresh, new perspective yet maintains its unified, consistent voice. Chemistry: The Central Sciencecontinues to improve student success beyond the text with MasteringChemistry®, the most advanced online tutorial and assessment program available.

0321741056 / 9780321741059 Chemistry: The Central Science with MasteringChemistry
Package consists of
0321696727 / 9780321696724 Chemistry: The Central
0321705106 / 9780321705105 MasteringChemistry with Pearson eText Student Access Code Card for Chemistry: The Central Science

Editora: Pearson College Div

Páginas: 1064

Ano: 2011

Edição: Student

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0321741056

ISBN13: 9780321741059

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