Título: Chemistry: A Molecular Approach (2nd US Edition)
Autor: Nivaldo J. Tro
Sinopse: This innovative text explains difficult concepts in a relevant, student-oriented manner. Chemistry is presented visually through multi-level images—macroscopic, molecular and symbolic representations—helping you see the connections among the formulas (symbolic), the world around you (macroscopic), and the atoms and molecules that make up the world (molecular). Among other revisions, the Second Edition offers a crisp new design, adds more challenging problems, and significantly revises coverage of electrochemistry. This is just the standalone book if you want the book/access kit order:
0321706153 / 9780321706157 Chemistry: A Molecular Approach with MasteringChemistry®
Package consists of:
0321651782 / 9780321651785 Chemistry: A Molecular Approach
0321695348 / 9780321695345 MasteringChemistry® with Pearson eText Student Access Kit for Chemistry: A Molecular Approach
Editora: Pearson
Páginas: 1074
Ano: 2010-01-15
Edição: 2
Linguagem: en
ISBN: 0321651782
ISBN13: 9780321651785
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