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Case Studies in Marriage and Family Therapy

Título: Case Studies in Marriage and Family Therapy

Autor: Larry Golden

Sinopse: A casebook for courses in Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy, Psychology, and Social Work.
The authors believe that prospective counselors must learn from the experience of practicing counselors. This enjoyable-to-read, inexpensive casebook offers nineteen live marriage and family therapy case studies that exemplify the major approaches taken to marriage and family counseling. The nineteen contributors provide real-life data about their counseling sessions, their decision-making process, their personal feelings, and even their mistakes. It is telling that the contributing authors have provided the case that touched them most, not their most successful case.

Editora: Pearson

Páginas: 176

Ano: 2003-07-29

Edição: 2

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0130982172

ISBN13: 9780130982179

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