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Caminho, Verdade e Vida

Título: Caminho, Verdade e Vida

Autor: Francisco Cândido Xavier

Sinopse: The Living Spring Collection contains five books by the spirit author Emmanuel, psychographed by the medium Francisco (“Chico”) Candido Xavier: The Way, the Truth and the Life; Our Daily Bread, Vine of Light; Living Spring and Harvest of Light. In these books, the spirit author comments on teachings from the New Testament in an original and attractive way, teaching us not only to understand the Christian Doctrine but to practice it every moment of our lives. They entail a veritable invitation to the worthy and dignifying labor inspired in the teachings of the Good News. Emmanuel, Chico Xavier’s mentor, teaches and enchants, edifies and consoles by means of humble, enchanting, gentle and persuasive language full of spirituality and beauty. The Living Spring Collection is an invaluable source that will help to explain the Gospel texts and is an essential instrument for perfecting our sentiments by refining them with the lessons on humility and love taught and exemplified by Jesus. “It teaches us to find peace in the evolutionary struggle, repose in our edifying labor, help in times of difficulty and the good in the so-called evils of life.”

Editora: Federação Espírita Brasileira

Páginas: 380

Ano: 2005-04-01


Linguagem: pt

ISBN: 8573284153

ISBN13: 9788573284157

Informações do Autor

Nome: Chico Xavier

Descrição: Médium e filantropo

Chico Xavier

Biografia: Francisco Cândido Xavier, mais conhecido como Chico Xavier, foi um médium, filantropo e um dos mais importantes expoentes do espiritismo. Chico Xavier escreveu mais de 450 livros, que até o ano de 2010 já haviam vendido mais de 50 milhões de exemplares. Os direitos autorais das obras foram cedidos para instituições de caridade. Também psicografou cerca de dez mil cartas, nunca tendo cobrado algo do destinatário.

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