Título: Blues e Hip Hop: Uma Perspectiva Folk Comunicacional
Autor: Thífani Postali
Sinopse: Through The Lens Of Folkcommunication Theory, Thífani Postali Analyzes Blues And Hip Hop Rhythms, Proving That The Communicative Scenarios Are Culture-specific Forms Of Communication. The Author Reports On The Battles Fought, Especially By Afro-descendants, To Make Manifest The Segregations To Which Entire Generations Were Subject. Registering In Their Rhythms A Musicality Resulting From A Long History Of Struggle For Survival, In Territories, Often Inhospitable, They Find Unique Ways Of Preserving Values, Religiosity, Freedom, Identity And Customs. Thífani Postali. Includes Bibliographical References (pages 183-190).
Páginas: 15
Ano: 2011-01-01
Linguagem: pt-br
ISBN: 8564367181
ISBN13: 9788564367180
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