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Biology: A Guide to the Natural World Plus Mastering Biology -- Access Card Package (5th Edition)

Título: Biology: A Guide to the Natural World Plus Mastering Biology -- Access Card Package (5th Edition)

Autor: David Krogh

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David Krogh’s Biology: A Guide to the Natural World leads readers on a memorable journey through the world of biology, using relevant examples, clearly-developed illustrations, and helpful insights that resonate with today’s students.

Widely-recognized as a book that students enjoy reading, the Fifth Edition has been thoroughly updated with new discussions on social concerns and health applications, along with streamlined chapter summaries and expanded review questions.

Editora: Pearson

Páginas: 725

Ano: 2010-10-01

Edição: 5

Linguagem: en

ISBN: 0321616391

ISBN13: 9780321616395

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