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Artur Lescher: Rios

Título: Artur Lescher: Rios

Autor: Artur Lescher

Sinopse: Rios is a project conceived by the Brazilian artist Artur Lescher (born 1962) following a lengthy exchange with the Argentinean writer Carlos Gamerro, the Spanish poet Adolfo Montejo Navas and the Colombian designer Bernardo Ortiz. The topic of their conversation had been the fluidity of rivers: rivers in philosophy, rivers in literature and rivers in art. This book reproduces the entire conversation, accompanied by an anthology of texts on rivers assembled by Gamerro and reproductions of Lescher´s own work from the last decade, including his recent “Machine-River” installation-sculpture in which “river” becomes an idea uttered upon industrialized, shimmering iron draped into waterfalls. Rios is at once a unique monograph on one of Brazil’s most interesting contemporary artists, a beautifully designed artist’s object, and a literary and philosophical anthology on the waters flowing within us and without.

Editora: APC/Cosac Naify

Páginas: 208

Ano: 2013-09-30


Linguagem: en

ISBN: 8540500183

ISBN13: 9788540500181

    Informações do Autor

    Nome: Artur Lescher

    Descrição: Artista visual

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